Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Help the Pocatello Animal Shelter Win a Grant!!!

    As I am sure most of you know, I LOVE animals.  Our Pocatello Animal Services help almost 4,000 animals each year.  If you have a moment, please help the community in a good cause.  Your vote will help the Pocatello Animal Shelter win up to a $10,000 grant!!!  You can vote once each day now through April 28th. Simply  CLICK HERE TO VOTE!  You will have to enter "Pocatello Animal Shelter" and submit your vote.  Thanks for all of your help!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Upcoming Estate Sale!

Just wanted to give everyone the heads up for this Fantastic Estate Sale!!  Lots of beautiful, high quality items for sale.  The property address is 212 South12th and the sale is open to the public on the following days:

Friday       January 18th    9 - 5
Saturday   January 19th    9 - 5
Sunday     January 20th    10 - 4